

People fall into it, people fall out of it.  Some find it, some search for it.  Others yearn for it, others let go of it.

Love is risk.  It is seeing beyond ourselves and into the hearts of the ones who capture ours.  It is painful.  It is beautiful.

Love involves the highest degree of selflessness.  It encourages us to give without the expectation of a return.  It makes life amusing.  It makes life worthwhile.

Sometimes, wounds emerge.  Over time, scars will replace those wounds.  And they remain with us.

I do not believe those scars should be covered; they should be embraced.


You fall into it, you fall out of it.  You find it, you search for it.  You yearn for it, you let go of it.

You take the risk.  You see beyond yourself and into the heart of the one who captures yours.  It is painful.  It is beautiful.

Love requires your highest degree of selflessness.  It encourages you to give without the expectation of a return.  It makes your life amusing.  It makes your life worthwhile.

Sometimes, wounds emerge.  Over time, scars will replace your wounds.  And they remain with you.

You do not have to cover those scars; you can embrace them.


This is how I paint it.

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